The IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience recognizes outstanding individuals who make substantial contributions to the advancement of security and resilience, inspiring other members of the community with their pioneering research and innovation. The awardees need not be IEEE members.
The awards process is chaired by members of the CSR Steering Committee. A paper from the conference or its associated workshops could be nominated in more than one award category, but is not allowed to win more than one award, collectively referred to as best paper rewards. Papers from members of the PC cannot be nominated for the best paper award.
An initial list of five top-ranked candidate papers will be compiled in each award category based on the papers’ overall review score. The award criteria to consider include the technical quality, novelty, potential impact, editorial quality, and presentation quality of the paper. Typically, there will be one winner per award category per year.
The authors of a winning paper will be announced on the IEEE CSR website and will receive an official award certificate. Moreover, they will be invited to submit an extended version of their paper in a special issue of an international peer-review journal, depending on the availability of a post-publication agreement.
The awards ceremony is held annually at the IEEE CSR conference.