
Virtual Event Instructions

Getting Started

Since IEEE CSR 2022 will be held as a virtual conference, attendees will be using the CollectiVibe platform for live streaming.

Once you access the CSR event’s platform, you will be asked to fill in your credentials (Fig. 1); these will have already been sent by CollectiVibe’s support team (noreply@collectivibe.com) to all registered participants along with a user manual. Once you login, you will be directed to the Info desk (Fig. 2), where all necessary information is provided to the participants.

Fig. 1. Login page

Fig. 2. Info desk

More precisely, the Info desk allows you to directly enter one of the conference halls (Fig. 4) or visit the conference’s Expo floor and gallery area through the options made available at front of the desk. The side menu (at the left hand-side), offers in addition the ability to check the conference’s program (Fig. 3) and also download the IEEE CSR 2022 proceedings as a compressed archive.

Fig. 3. Conference agenda

Fig. 4. Conference hall

The agenda allows you to easily navigate through the sessions, and also to be directed to the room (Fig. 4) of a live session by clicking on the session’s title. The live streaming from the session is shown on the halls screen, whereas tools to interact with the presenter and the attendees are also made available, as shown in the next section. Finding and chatting with any conference participant is made easy via the toolbar at the top (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. Search and chat tools

Fig. 6. Gallery area

The chat tool can be used to send public (to all participants) or private messages. At any given time, you can see who’s online by clicking at the associated button at bottom-right of the tool; a user can be selected from the list to start communicating with. The top toolbar also allows editing your profile and logging out of the event’s platform. Information about the keynote speakers is provided at the gallery area (Fig. 6) along with the title and abstract of their talk.

Fig. 7. Expo floor

Fig. 8. Exhibitor’s booth

The conference’s exhibitors are located at the Expo floor (Fig. 7), where you can click on each booth to find more information about an exhibitor. The items at the booth are clickable (Fig. 8) and provide details about books, offers, flyers, or other promotional material.

During the Session

  • Conference attendees can watch the presenter’s live streaming by entering one of the conference rooms.
  • However, the presenters will have to join their session via the Zoom link provided to them by the chairs (see also presenter guidelines).
  • Submit your questions during talks using the Slido Q&A tool that appears at the right side of the conference room (Fig. 9).

Fig. 9. Accessing Slido Q&A tool

Fig. 10. Submitting question to the presenter

To submit a question, you can either click on the “Type your question” area or the “Ask” button the the bottom right. This will lead you to a text box with 160 char. limit (Fig. 10). Press the send button once done typing. The questions sent by all attendees are managed by the session chair that organises and moderates the Q&A part.

Fig. 11. Configuring Slido Q&A tool

Fig. 12. Other options available to attendees

The toolbar at the top of Slido (Fig. 9) provides users with the ability to configure the tool (Fig. 11), or to review the questions made and edit their profile (Fig. 12). Questions about the IEEE CSR event’s platform can be sent to CollectiVibe support team at support@collectivibe.com.

General Aspects

  • Introduce the session and ask the attendees who the presenters are
  • Manage the session’s presenters and attendees, e.g. suggest them to mute/unmute, start/stop video, etc.
  • Introduce each paper’s title, the list of authors, and the presenter (also his/her biography in case of keynote speakers) before the talk.
  • Track papers whose authors did not appear to present their paper: these will be excluded from the final conference proceedings.
  • Handoff on playback video in case of connectivity issues (a dropbox link will be sent by the chairs).
  • Moderate the Q&A part of the session using the administrative panel of the Slido Q&A tool.
  • Ensure that no delay occurs on the allocated Q&A time slots of each paper and the session overall.
  • Conclude the session and check attendance.
  • Make sure the time is strictly adhered to and is not extended past the allocated time.
  • Report any issues to the general conference co-chairs.

During the Session

  • Join the session at least 10 minutes in advance and test your microphone so that the session can start on time.
  • The conference rooms deliver live streaming to all attendees, but the session chairs will have to join their session via the Zoom link to be provided to them by the chairs.
  • Access the administrative panel of the Slido Q&A tool (an invitation will be sent for the event from support@slido.com) to moderate the Q&A (Fig. 1).
  • Moderation mode will be OFF by default, but this can be configured (Fig. 2) from the options available at the top-right of the review pane.

Fig. 1. Administrative panel’s UI

Fig. 2. Audience Q&A settings

  • Turn on your video (if possible) to engage the attendees during a session’s introduction and Q&A parts.
  • Turn off your video after introducing each presenter so that attendees can focus on the live talk.
  • Be mindful of the time limits and notify the presenters if their talk is about to exceed the expected duration.
  • Keep track of the questions during the live presentation, so as to ask them (in the order they were submitted) once the talk ends.
  • You can prevent more questions from coming due to time limitations from Slido Q&A settings (Fig. 2).
  • Feel free to ask your own questions, particularly if there are not many from the attendees.
  • Indicate a question as addressed via Slido after the presenter’s answer and collect the unanswered ones to follow up.

Questions about the IEEE CSR event’s platform can be sent to CollectiVibe support team at support@collectivibe.com.

Preparation Aspects

Since IEEE CSR 2022 will be held as a virtual conference, speakers will present their work on the CollectiVibe platform. All presenters are requested to give their talk live in the specified time-slot of the technical program. However, to deal with possible issues each speaker is also requested to record and submit a video of the presentation by July 10, 2022 AoE.

The pre-recorded video will be played in case of technical or connectivity issues that prevent the speaker from presenting live. However, at least one of the paper’s authors must be online to answer questions after the talk, otherwise it will be considered as a no-show and the paper will not be submitted to IEEE Xplore for inclusion in the conference’s proceedings.

The IEEE CSR conference and workshops will have paper presentations and keynote speeches of 20 min and 60 min overall duration respectively. The exact duration of the videos and the Q&A sessions are as follows:

  • Video content duration
    • Paper presentations: 16 min
    • Keynote speeches: 45 min
  • Q&A session duration
    • Paper presentations: 4 min
    • Keynote speeches: 15 min

The IEEE CSR workshops might instead have keynote speeches of 40 min overall duration, in which case the actual duration of the video content is 30 min followed by a 10 min Q&A session. Please check the technical program and contact your workshop chairs for guidance if needed.

Please note that the presenters should have registered in the conference (as per the registration guidelines) in order to get access to the virtual events platform and give their talk. Therefore, we strongly recommend all authors to verify that the information about a paper’s presenter is correctly indicated in the conference management system (CMS). If this is not the case, please update the information as soon as possible, and no later than July 10, 2022 AoE, sending also an email to the organizers (with your paper ID) notifying about the change.

The pre-recorded video is mandatory and must be submitted by July 10, 2022 AoE, even though presenters are expected to present live during the session. More details on how to prepare and submit the video are provided in the video guidelines.

During the Session

  • All presenters are expected to give their talk live in the specified time-slot of the technical program via Zoom.
  • Join the session at least 10 minutes in advance and test your microphone so that the session can start on time.
  • The conference rooms deliver live streaming to all attendees, but the presenters will have to join their session via the Zoom link provided to them by the chairs.
  • Indicate that you are a presenter when asked by the session chair at the beginning of the session.
  • Turn on your video (if possible) during your talk to engage the other attendees.
  • Be mindful of the time limits and do not exceed the presentation’s expected duration in your live talk.
  • Submit your questions during talks using the Slido Q&A tool that appears at the right side of the conference room (see attendees guidelines for more details).

Questions about the IEEE CSR event’s platform can be sent to CollectiVibe support team at support@collectivibe.com.

Videos should contain a prominent view of the presentation slides along with audio of the spoken presentation. Optionally, videos may contain your face (via a web camera) for increased engagement. Many presentation software allows recording audio and video directly in the application and can export appropriate video files. Please, see the detailed instructions below.

Useful Software

Video recording tools that can be used to prepare your presentation’s video:

You may also use a common meeting platform that allows simultaneously capturing yourself while presenting:

Video editing tools that can be used, if needed, to perform final edits:

Video Specifications

  • Duration: see the presenters’ guidelines
  • Video file format: mp4
  • Quality: 720p (1280 x 720 pixels) minimum
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9
  • File size: 250MB maximum

PowerPoint Instructions

Recording Tips

  • Use a room that is as quiet as possible with no echo
  • Use a good headset with a microphone instead of the default built-in microphone of your computer
  • Do a test recording and review the quality before recording the entire presentation
  • Use a wired internet connection or a strong Wi-Fi connection

Video Uploading

  • Visit the conference management system (CMS) to get access to the account linked to your paper.
  • Enter your paper’s unique ID in the Submission ID field and your Password; then press Enter or click the Login button to access the account.
  • From the main author’s menu, which is presented once you login, select the Upload File menu and the Video_Presentation option.
  • You will then be presented with a form to upload the video file in MP4 format (within the above file size limit).