

2025 IEEE CSR Workshop on Cyber-Physical Resilience and Security Against Digital Breakdowns (CYPRES)

Chania, Crete, Greece (in-person event) • August 4–6, 2025

Critical infrastructures, including energy, communications, banking, transportation, and public government services, have become indispensable pillars supporting industrialized economies. The seamless functioning of these infrastructures is crucial for citizens, businesses, and governments, as they rely on a complex network of interconnected physical and information systems to meet their needs. Simultaneously, these infrastructures are experiencing a growing level of interdependence, where the failure of one component can lead to cascading effects, resembling a domino effect. Noteworthy instances include the electricity grid failures in Nov. 2006 in Western Europe, where the shutdown of a high-voltage line in Germany resulted in widespread cross-border power outages spanning France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Austria, even extending to Morocco to affect a total of 10M customers. In parallel, the diverse and extensive causes of these events have prompted the adoption of all-hazard approaches to policy in many countries aiming to encompass both natural disasters and man-made attacks when formulating prevention and remediation measures against the risk of infrastructure failure. Recognizing the need for coordinated action, EU member states are not only encouraging R&D activities but also implementing policies for critical cyber-physical infrastructure protection.

The CSR CYPRES workshop will accept high-quality research papers presenting strong theoretical contributions, applied research and innovation results obtained from funded cyber-security and resilience projects, and industrial papers that promote contributions on technology development and contemporary implementations.

Topics of Interest

Prospective authors are encouraged to submit previously unpublished contributions from a broad range of topics, which include but are not limited to the following:

› Emergency communication systems for first responders and citizens
› Interdependencies modelling and cascading effects analysis
› Cybersecurity anomaly and intrusion detection and mitigation
› Applications for citizen preparedness
› Use cases, pilot trials, and living labs for crisis and disaster management
› Policy recommendations for enhanced civil protection planning

› Crisis and disaster management across different critical sectors
› Frameworks for threat modelling and vulnerability assessment
› Methodologies for critical asset management during digital breakdowns
› Digital Twins, simulation engines, and scenario creation tools
› Risk estimation and impact assessment
› Ethical, Legal and Societal Aspects (ELSA) for resilience

Important Dates

Paper submission deadline: April 14, 2025
Authors’ notification: May 5, 2025
Camera-ready submission: May 26, 2025
Registration deadline (authors): May 26, 2025
Workshop dates: August 4–6, 2025

Submission Guidelines

Submitted manuscripts should not exceed 6 pages (plus 2 extra pages, being subject to overlength page charges) and should be of sufficient detail to be evaluated by expert reviewers in the field. The workshop’s proceedings will be published by IEEE and will be included in IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.

The guidelines for authors, manuscript preparation guidelines, and policies of the IEEE CSR conference are applicable to CYPRES workshop. Please visit the authors’ instructions page for more details. When submitting your manuscript via the conference management system, please make sure that the workshop’s track 2T6 CYPRES is selected in the Topic Areas drop down list.

Workshop Committees

Workshop Chairs

Mathaios Panteli
University of Cyprus (CY)

Ugo Stecchi
Grupo Etra (ES)

Antonios Lalas
Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (GR)

Contact Us


Organizing Committee

Georg Aumayr, Johanniter (AT)
Jiri Bouchal, Digital Resilience Institute (CZ)
Steve Gadsdon, First Response Solutions (UK)
Eva Jaho, EXUS.AI Labs (GR)
Kostis Kapasakalis, Resilience Guard (CH)
Christina Michailidou, Catalink Ltd (CY)
Bamba Niang, European Forum for Urban Security (FR)
Nikos Papadakis, Space Hellas (GR)
Martina Surynkova, SITMP (CZ)
Balaji Venkateswaran, University of Cyprus (CY)

Program Chairs

Christos Laoudias, University of Cyprus (CY)
Konstantinos Rantos, Democritus University of Thrace (GR)

Technical Program Committee

Konstantinos Avgerinakis, Catalink Ltd (CY)
Anastasios Drosou, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (GR)
Georgios Gardikis, Space Hellas (GR)
Nikos Hatziargyriou, National Technical University of Athens (GR)
Aris Lalos, Athena Research Center (GR)
Lukas Sigrist, Universidad Pontificia Comillas (ES)
Goran Strbac, Imperial College London (UK)
Nadine Sturm, Johanniter (AT)
Konstantinos Votis, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (GR)

Publicity Chairs

Christiana Koutsoulli, University of Cyprus (CY)
Marios Stavrou, Bank of Cyprus (CY)

Supported By

Program Information

Will be made available in the coming months.

See also the accepted papers of the conference.

Will be made available in the coming months.

See also the detailed program of the conference.