

2025 IEEE CSR Workshop on Cyber Resilience and Economics (CRE)

Chania, Crete, Greece (in-person event) • August 4–6, 2025

The CSR CRE workshop explores the foundational and applied advances in cyber resiliency strategies, policies, and technologies to shift the balance in favor of the defender, ensure critical processes continue to operate in face of a successful cyber-attack, and identify and quantify the effect economic realities have on the decision processes. At the top level, national and organizational strategies and policies are needed to understand what is to be achieved and the resources to be made available to protect critical resources and infrastructures. Strategies and policies must be supported by security and resiliency technologies. As a result, in addition to exploring various strategies, the workshop will seek to understand the capabilities, strengths/weaknesses, and benefits of various technologies whether existing or in research. This includes the incorporation of new technologies that are not resilience-focused but still have significant impact on a system’s ability to continue to operate in face of attack. Such examples include artificial intelligence and machine learning that can be used by defenders and attackers to impact the asymmetric balance.

The workshop focuses on the parameters needed to accurately quantify asymmetric imbalance from the offensive and defensive perspective; examine technical and non-technical approaches to shifting that balance, including the full range of costs/benefits of each approach; explore and evaluate a range of options for defining and achieving optimality. It will bring together a diverse group of experts from multiple fields to advance the above concepts.

The CSR CRE workshop will accept high-quality research papers presenting strong theoretical contributions, applied research and innovation results obtained from funded cyber-security and resilience projects, and industrial papers that promote contributions on technology development and contemporary implementations.

Topics of Interest

Prospective authors are encouraged to submit previously unpublished contributions from a broad range of topics, which include but are not limited to the following:

› Cyber resiliency strategies and policies
› Cyber resilience research focused on OT/IT solutions
› Alignment of technical and mission resilience
› Cyber resilience in OT environments: strengths and weaknesses
› Metrics and measurements for resilience
› Resilience and security mutual support

› Development of true pre-emptive cyber resilience
› AI/ML and its effects on the defender and the adversary as related to cyber resilience
› Economics of cyber resiliency including examining economic models to determine return on investments
› Technical/economic barriers to implementation

Important Dates

Paper submission deadline: April 14, 2025
Authors’ notification: May 5, 2025
Camera-ready submission: May 26, 2025
Registration deadline (authors): May 26, 2025
Workshop dates: August 4–6, 2025

Submission Guidelines

Submitted manuscripts should not exceed 6 pages (plus 2 extra pages, being subject to overlength page charges) and should be of sufficient detail to be evaluated by expert reviewers in the field. The workshop’s proceedings will be published by IEEE and will be included in IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.

The guidelines for authors, manuscript preparation guidelines, and policies of the IEEE CSR conference are applicable to CRE workshop. Please visit the authors’ instructions page for more details. When submitting your manuscript via the conference management system, please make sure that the workshop’s track 2T2 CRE is selected in the Topic Areas drop down list.

Workshop Committees

Workshop Chairs

Nicholas J. Multari
Pacific Northwest National Lab (US)

Rosalie McQuaid
MITRE Corporation (US)

Contact Us


Organizing Committee

Volkmar Lotz, SAP Labs (FR)
Kelly McSweeney, MITRE Corporation (US)
Elena Peterson, Pacific Northwest National Lab (US)
George Sharkov, European Software Inst CEE (BG)

Technical Program Committee

Michael Atighetchi, Raytheon Corp, BBN (US)
Tom Carroll, Pacific Northwest National Lab (US)
Yung Ryn Choe, Sandia National Laboratory (US)
Erich Devendorf, Air Force Research Laboratory (US)
Ilir Gashi, Univeristy of London (UK)
Doug Jacobson, Iowa State University (US)
Dong Seong Kim, University of Queensland (AU)
Gargi Mitra, University of British Columbia (CA)
Nicholas C. Multari, University of Nevada Las Vegas (US)
Nuno Neves, University of Lisbon (PT)
Craig Rieger, Idaho National Laboratory (US)
Luigi Romano, University of Naples (IT)
Meghan Sahakian, Sandia National Laboratory (US)
Reginald Sawilla, Government of Canada (CA)
O Sami Saydjari, Cyber Defense Agency (US)
Neeraj Suri, University of Lancaster (UK)
Marco Vieira, University of North Carolina Charlotte (US)
Chris Walter, WW Technologies (US)

Publicity Chairs

Kelly McSweeney, MITRE Corporation (US)
Elena Peterson, Pacific Northwest National Lab (US)

Program Information

Will be made available in the coming months.

See also the accepted papers of the conference.

Will be made available in the coming months.

See also the detailed program of the conference.