
Call Information

General aspects

The IEEE CSR conference will accept high-quality regular research papers, Systematization of Knowledge (SoK) papers providing insights in their areas of interest, and industrial papers promoting contributions on technology development, innovations and implementations. IEEE CSR will also host workshops specializing into the conference’s areas or focusing on high-quality applied research and innovation results that are obtained from cyber-security and resilience projects.

Submitted manuscripts should not exceed 6 pages (plus 2 extra pages, being subject to overlength page charges) and should be of sufficient detail to be evaluated by expert reviewers in the field. The conference (including workshops) proceedings will be published by IEEE and will be included in IEEE Xplore. Detailed information about the paper submission and guidelines to authors is available at the instructions page of the IEEE CSR website.

Important dates

Paper submission deadline: February 10 March 10, 2025 (extended, firm)
Authors’ notification: March 10 April 7, 2025
Camera-ready submission: March 31 April 28, 2025
Registration deadline (authors):  March 31 April 28, 2025
Conference dates: August 4–6, 2025

Workshops’ format

Regular workshops should focus on a specific scientific subject in the scope of IEEE CSR 2025 and specialize to complement the main conference areas. Each regular workshop should be chaired by at least two researchers/principal investigators preferably from institutions located in different countries, and include an international Program Committee with recognized researchers in the workshop’s areas.

Project workshops are intended to promote the dissemination of results from international (such as EU HE, ESF, NSF) and national funded projects in cyber-security and resilience; both preliminary (for ongoing) and final (for finished) project results are sought. The workshop should be chaired by at least two researchers/principal investigators preferably from different projects, and include an international Program Committee with recognized researchers in the workshop’s areas.

Workshops’ organization

The Organizing Committee of each workshop will be responsible for:

  • Producing, based on IEEE CSR template, and distributing the workshop’s call for papers (CFP);
  • Coordinating the review and selection of the papers submitted to the workshop, as workshop chairs (on the paper management platform to be used by the conference);
  • Delivering the final versions of the papers accepted for the workshop in accordance with the guidelines and deadlines defined by the IEEE CSR organizers;
  • Coordinating and chairing the workshop sessions at the conference.

IEEE CSR organizers reserve the right to cancel a workshop if deadlines are missed or the number of registered attendees is too low to support the costs associated with the workshop; at least 10 submitted and 5 accepted papers are expected by each workshop that is held under IEEE CSR.

Workshops’ proposal contents

The selection of the workshops will be performed by the IEEE CSR Workshops Chairs on the basis of workshop proposals that should contain the following information:

  • Workshop’s acronym and full title;
  • Description of workshop’s scientific scope and how the conference is specialized/complemented;
  • List of (about 10–12) topics of interest to include in the workshop’s CFP;
  • Planned workshop’s duration (half-day or full-day);
  • Full name, affiliation, country and e-mail of workshop’s committee members;
  • Workshop’s technical program committee proposal (names and affiliations);
  • Description of workshop’s publicity and promotion plan;
  • Project details (only for project workshops).

Workshop proposals should be submitted electronically (in PDF format) in English at info@ieee-csr.org. In addition, the following documents need to be prepared based on the templates provided:

  1. The excel document with committee members’ details; and
  2. The word document with the single-page workshop’s CFP.

The conference (including workshops) proceedings will be published by IEEE and will be included in IEEE Xplore. Detailed information about the paper submission and guidelines to authors is available at the instructions page of the IEEE CSR website.

Important dates

Workshop proposals’ deadline: December 16, 2024
Workshop proposals’ notification: December 30, 2024
Workshop CFP for web posting: January 20, 2025
Workshop dates: August 4–6, 2025

List of workshops

IEEE CSR will host the following workshops that specialize the conference’s research areas and emphasize on emerging topics:

  • 2P-DPA: Workshop on Privacy-Preserving Data Processing and Analysis;
  • CRE: Workshop on Cyber Resilience and Economics;
  • CRIRM: Workshop on Cyber Range, Insurance, and Risk Management;
  • CVC: Workshop on Cyber-Vehi-Care for Automotive Cybersecurity;
  • CYBERSHIELD: Workshop on Cybersecurity Innovation and Resilience;
  • CYPRES: Workshop on Cyber-Physical Resilience and Security Against Digital Breakdowns;
  • EPES-SPR: Workshop on Electrical Power and Energy Systems Security, Privacy and Resilience;
  • GAIA-SEC: Workshop on Generative AI Applications to Security of Cyber-Physical Assets;
  • HACS: Workshop on Hardware Cybersecurity Systems;
  • IOSEC: Workshop on Information and Operational Technology Security;
  • SDGCP: Workshop on Synthetic Data Generation for a Cyber-Physical World;
  • SECMAN-6G: Workshop on Securing the Management of 6G Networks;
  • SPARC: Workshop on Security, Privacy and Resilience of Critical Assets in Critical Infrastructure.

Important dates

Paper submission deadline: April 14, 2025
Authors’ notification: May 5, 2025
Camera-ready submission: May 26, 2025
Registration deadline (authors):  May 26, 2025
Workshop dates: August 4–6, 2025

The tutorials will serve as the platform to cover both fundamental –under novel approaches– and emerging topics in the IEEE CSR conference areas. The participants will be equipped with the latest insights and tools relevant to the current industry and research trends and will be encouraged to exchange ideas.

Tutorials’ format

The tutorials aim at providing attendees the possibility to get in-depth information on a specific topic, targeting a mixture of academic and industry audience. Tutorials that combine theory with hands-on, real-world aspects are sought. The tutorials may extend

  • half-day: 3 hours or 2 session slots;
  • quarter-day: 1.5 hours or 1 session slot;

where half-day duration tutorials necessarily include a hands-on part; this is meant as a training session, bringing in practical aspects in the use of top-notch open source or commercial software tools in the field, aiming especially at young security researchers and practitioners.

Tutorials’ organization and publication

The tutorials’ lecturers are requested to send their presentations and associated material well before the conference dates so that it is distributed to participants. The opportunity to submit, as part of the tutorial’s material submission package, high-quality original work focusing on the tutorial’s aspects is given.

The submitted tutorial manuscripts should not exceed 12 pages (no overlength page charges apply) and should be of sufficient detail to be evaluated by expert reviewers in the field; they will be published by IEEE and will be included in IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.

Detailed information about the paper submission and guidelines to authors is available at the instructions page of the IEEE CSR website.

A discount in a single full-rate conference registration fee will be offered per tutorial for lecturers, based on the number of tutorials’ attendees. IEEE CSR organizers reserve the right to cancel a tutorial if the deadlines are missed or the number of registered attendees is too low to support the costs associated with the tutorial.

Tutorials’ proposal contents

The selection of the tutorials will be performed by the IEEE CSR Tutorials Chairs on the basis of tutorial proposals that should contain the following information:

  • Title, abstract (approximately 250 words), and objectives;
  • Planned duration (half-day or quarter-day);
  • Full name, affiliation, country, e-mail, short bio, and high resolution photo for each lecturer;
  • Description of the tutorial topics, scope and depth, as well as, its importance, timeliness, and relevance to IEEE CSR audience;
  • Hardware (e.g. laptop) and software requirements for attendees;
  • Outline of the tutorial’s overall structure and content, bibliography, and software tools;
  • Target audience background/expertise level and the expected number of attendees;
  • List of lecturers’ relevant recent publications and prior tutorial/hands-on experience;
  • Description of past versions of the tutorial and envisaged modifications or additions.

Tutorial proposals should be submitted electronically (in PDF format) in English at info@ieee-csr.org. The selection of tutorials will be based on relevance, timeliness, technical content quality and novelty, as well as, overall recommendation.

Important dates

Tutorial proposals’ deadline: March 3 March 17, 2025 (extended, firm)
Tutorial proposals’ notification: March 17 March 31, 2025
Tutorial material submission: May 26 June 2, 2025
Tutorial dates: August 4–6, 2025